
(Dreamtale AU Variant)


Other name(s): Dream, Golden Child


Other name(s): Nightmare, Scapegoat

29 | 5'7/170cm | He/Him
- First born in a upper-class family
- Has a younger sister
- Fire magic user /w sword (or bow)
- Sun guardian

25 | 5'2/157cm | They/He
- Family is deceased
- Had a younger brother and older sister
- Water magic user /w staff
- Moon guardian

At the age of 15, Gleam had attended the crowning ceremony with his family, everyone eager to see the Goddess of life, Nim, and who was going to be chosen as the land's protector.The ceremony didn't go as intended, Nim halting the celebration mid-way through judging the candidates... only to call upon Gleam from the crowd. Humans and monsters alike, parting ways for all eyes to land on the young soul.Despite his uncertainty, Gleam braved a smile and walked through the sea of people to stand before the goddess herself. Now face to face, Nim knew she had found exactly who she was looking for.The ceremony continued where it left off, even if there was confusion widespread amongst the people. She crowed Gleam as the protector-to-be, beginning his 4-year training for the role he was graced with.It was originally unknown as to why the decision was made, however the goddess herself confided in Gleam, stating his soul shined brightly and his presence in the room was unmissable. He had the potential, the determination and the ability to blossom into exactly what Nim needed.He was the golden child.

Petty thievery was all Umbra knew. The loss of his entire family at the age 16 meant they had to do what they needed to in order to get by. His intentions were never nefarious, it was survival.The terrible cards Umbra was dealt lead him into very unfortunate circumstances. They were housed by a gang of criminals who had done far more than petty theft, urging him to follow in their footsteps.Without much choice, he did... to an extent. He was always sent to do dirty work but never allowed himself to harm others, even when threatened. His morals conflicted with those around him, earning more dislike than praise.At 21, Umbra's lucky streak of avoiding repercussions soon ran out when the people of his own gang turned him in for the bounty on his head. Umbra was locked away for many of the murders around the village, falsely framed for something he had no part in.Despite his begging, pleading and reasoning; Umbra wasn't released and his execution had been scheduled, set to be overseen by both Nim and Gleam, who is now 25.Luckily for him, when his soul called out, Nim was there to answer, hearing the pleas and seeing the kindness housed within his soul. She knew then, Umbra wasn't the criminal the world knew him as.He was the scapegoat.